Archive for the ‘Career Advice’ Category

This is an insert from Jean-Renaud Cherubin’s new book

‘Pitch-Pace-Attitude; & Other Ways to be Successful at Work!

This blog is slightly different than other blogs since this blog will read like a book hence it will soon be a book. Each week we will add some parts of chapters on WordPress and my fans and followers will help with the whole process of the book simply by reading and commenting each week on a new insert; leading to newer, fresher rewrites before the final draft of the book. Fans will also help with titles, cover art selection and font style and later they will get the advance copy before the release date in 2014.

Pitch-Pace-Attitude & Other ways to be successful at work!

Chapter 2

Maximize Your Brand!

There are so many online list of success to choose from, but none are as comprehensive and applicable. Pitch, pace and attitude is the name of the game. It is all about attitude. Learn how to combine it with our eight steps to success. I chose these eight steps because they are simple to apply to your daily pitch, pace and attitude. I have formed these steps into eight questions rather, so you can answer them every day as you further your career. These are merely questions to help you stay focus on your daily goals. Learn these eight steps one at a time and apply them to your career goals and maximize your brand at your job. You will also need to learn how to pitch and create an office & morning routine. But for now learn how every successful person positively talks to their inner-self and they all answer these 8 questions; so I have included sample answers to get you familiar.

 Do you need an Attitude Adjustment? (Maximize Your Brand At Work With These 8 Daily Questions! )

1. How can I have a great attitude today?
• People with great attitudes are attractive. People will tend to gravitate to you.
• Use the S.E.E Dynamics (Smile, Eye Contact and show Enthusiasm.)
• Sell something that is intangible such as one of your unique skills.
• Think about your attitude 99% of the day and only 1% on all your daily tasks.
2. How do I make sure I am punctual today?
• Punctual people are also attractive. Respect their time & they’ll respect yours.
• Be dependable & reliable just by showing up 2 min. early instead of 2 min. Late.
• Accept this mentality as fact: “Early is on Time and on Time is Late!”
3. What do I need to be fully prepared for the whole day?
• Be mentally prepared by having a good nights’ sleep. This will make you sharp.
• Be physically prepared by eating well. Skipped meals drain the body’s energy.
• Organize your daily goals. Ask yourself; what, where, why and when is that due?
o Part of being organized is being fully present & practicing your daily Pitch.
o Practice in your car, during any free moments. Practice on everyone the 6 steps to a conversation.
4. Did I actually work a productive 8 hour shift?
• Maximize the 480 minutes in 8 hours. If you missed a few minutes it will show!
• There are 2,400 minutes in a 40 hour work week. Each Monday shows time you wasted the prior week. Squeeze in productive behaviors for a good work week.
• Your rate of success depends solely on you. Some people take 45-50 hours to do same 40 hours’ worth of work. Master scheduling and become more efficient.
5. How can I network in my office and with other professionals in my industry correctly?
• Learn everyone’s role in your office just by asking and using the 6 steps to a conversation.
• Learn about other like-minded people in your profession. Connect with them on a deeper level. Talk to everyone without sabotaging your own work week or career.
6. How can I keep  my attitude up the whole work day?
• Think positive and have fun finding the silver lining in all your daily situations.
• Create a barrier around your enthusiasm, if not it will be breached by outside forces. You do this by accepting massive daily rejections without a sweat.
• Simple but difficult; turn off your cell phone for one hour each day!!
• 6 step everyone but keep around the quality people you meet or know!
• Quality people deserve your attention when they return the S.E.E Dynamics. Remember QTQP; Quality Time with Quality People.
7. Why am I here? And what am I doing?
• Use every project you work on as an opportunity to find out how it fits into the bigger picture of your firm and your industry in general as a whole.
• Create your own short/mid/long-term goals. 2-4 weeks, 4-6 weeks and 3-6 months are a good start. Write them down using the S.M.A.R.T Goal System.
• SMART Goals are; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.
8. How do I take control today?
• 6 step every customer by; Intro-Short Story-Presentation-Close-Rehash-Impulse 1(footnote).
• 6 step every situation that threatens your daily attitude to questions 1 and 6.
• Recognize things that will affect your future and take control immediately using the 8 questions and the 6 steps to a conversation.
• Lastly, watch for opportunities in disguise. Take control and grasp these opportunities that would usually go to other people.

Attitude through the roof

These are the eight steps to success for high fliers, achievers, self-starters and entrepreneurs. Attitude is mentioned about 4 times during the eight questions to success. I have adjusted them to fit the average American who is so busy at work, he or she only focuses on work, instead of their growth. Their job gives them security but they may feel a lack of career development. These outline questions are used to grow a brand. Working on your career goals should be no different and it gives you a chance to expand your brand past what you traditionally would consider branding. Which is branding yourself. You have the tools to sell yourself to any situation and become anything you want to be. America has lots to offer. Time to take control and take what is yours. Experience in management training allows me to share a few things that worked for me and I hope you will consider expanding your brand.
Twitter me for more. @jeancherubin.

Thank you.

1. To learn more about the six steps of a conversation. Please read my prior WP blogs.

Do you agree with Jean Cherubin or disagree? Face off on the comments.

Stay tuned for next week as we extend more details for the next chapter of this new book set from this blog called ‘How to further your career and handle rejection at work.’  Buy Jeans first book. Amazons The Time is Now 2.0!