About Me

Jean-Renaud Cherubin (born October 26, 19**,) lives in Connecticut, USA with his family.  He graduated from New York’s Pace University in 2000 with a business degree from The Lubin School of Business.  He is a businessman, entrepreneur, speaker, author, banker, photographer, basketball coach, personal trainer and teacher.  He started by managing musicians and other young entrepreneurs and working alongside small businesses.  He blogs under the penname @JeanCherubin and @CoachFresh and his latest book is; 2012’s Honestly, The Time is Now 2.0!, a how to guide for internet entrepreneurs which dives into how people need to create wealth using the power of the internet as they chase the sometime mythical American Dream.  He lectures to high school students in CT and runs success programs throughout the tri-state area.  He teaches then coaches boys and girls basketball in the winter and spring seasons.  His summers and autumns are spent researching new entrepreneur endeavors while making time for his family in the Caribbean Islands. His e-commerce business includes partnering with several online media companies under his family business, Cherubin & Cherubin, A Media Group, LLC. ©

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