Sneakers That Fly!

Posted: March 24, 2012 in Charity
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Ok, when a young man buys the best or “most fly” pair of sneakers he can afford in America, he is boarderline rich and has just bought a luxurious item. In America sneakers are a status symbol they represent luxury, finese and style. Being able to afford the most expensive and rare pair of “kicks” or sneakers feels the same as buying the most expensive car, house or piece of land compared to the next fella. You can walk around with fancy homes for your feet all the meanwhile the rest of your orders are not in order or prioritized. It can be blaimed on style because the most expensive house, car or piece of land can not be purchased as easy so the youth and other shoe fanatics rather wear or collect $200.00 foot appearel that makes you feel like your walking on $50,000.00-style wise. Now in poorer countries a luxury would be eating, jobs & food, a roof over their head-even radios and tv’s are lux items, so send ur best pair of sneakers to the less fortunate only if you can part from them, heck send them ur least favored pair because others may get jealous and steal anything that looks luxurious in their third world environment.  Just as Apple has a record half of trillion dollars in assets, nike has the same because we all need sneakers, shoes and cell phones right?, but not all can afford luxurious Nike products or Apple products. Those two companies have hit a goldmine because you see their products all over America. -you’ll lose count if you count how many sneakers and cell phones you see out and about in a span of your 24 hour day-Makes me wonder what other countries see when they look at us from afar. Do something for the poor and visit and donate your old pair of shoes to poor countries who do not have any such luxuries like sneakers and smartphones.

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